Prevention in Mental Health, Lifespan Perspective, Issue of Psychiatric Clinics, Dilip Jeste

Prevention in Mental Health: Lifespan Perspective

Prevention in Mental Health: Lifespan Perspective
The Clinics: Internal Medicine Volume 34-1, Book 34
Published by Saunders
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Prevention is an area of growing importance in the field psychiatry, although very few books have been written on the subject. Topics covered in this important issue include: Prevention of depression in older; Prevention of dementia; Use of genetics as a tool for prevention of mental illnesses; Successful cognitive and emotional aging; Internet Depression Prevention; Prevention of First Episode of Psychosis; Prevention of Adolescent Depression; Prevention of Post-Partum Depression; Prevention of PTSD; Prevention of metabolic syndrome in people on antipsychotics, and others.

Hardcover | 296 pages | 9781455704989 | April 6, 2011